QForm Extrusion Software
Digital Design Solutions is the leading provider of QForm Extrusion Forging Simulation Analysis and Optimization Software Solution and Services across India.
Metals that are highly plastic at elevated temperatures (most typically aluminum and magnesium alloys) can be extruded into profiles with very complex shapes. These extruded profiles are used in the construction and building industry as well as in the bodies of cars, trains and other products such as seamless pipes.
The tools for complex extrusion profiles can take a long time to design properly. The use of simulation software significantly speeds up the development time of extrusion tooling and also predicts the quality of the extruded product.
QForm Extrusion is the only program in the market that can perform simulations of material flow that are thermally and mechanically coupled to the die deformation even for very complicated thin walled profiles. QForm Extrusion was developed for simulation analysis of material flow during the extrusion process and for analysis of the stress-strain-state of die set. The program features parametric representation of the bearing geometry and state-of-the-art automatic meshing algorithms. By keeping the bearing geometry as a parametric surface, QForm Extrusion is able to consider cases when die deformation causes local zones of very fine inclination of choke or relief that may vary by just a few angular minutes. Simulation results and actual production of our customers as well as laboratory tests have shown that, though small, such bearing angle variation may significantly influence the material flow patterns. The software has been developed to be used by production engineers and die designers so it is not necessary to know anything about finite element method to run accurate simulations.
Advantages And features of QForm Extrusion Software
Advantages of QForm Extrusion Software:
- Simulation of mechanically and thermally coupled problems of material flow and die deformation (taking into account influence of die deflection on material flow and vice versa)
- The fastest simulation speed (ICEB 2015) of the most complicated profiles thanks to a special Lagrange-Euler approach and advanced algorithms used in QForm
- Simulation of profile elastic-plastic deformation due to cooling after extrusion
- Very accurate results of simulation thanks to high adaptive tuning of the mesh and a specially developed coupled mechanical and thermal tasks
- An intuitive interface and easy input of initial data allow for a short learning curve
- Fully automatic simulation process
- View and analysis of results of the simulation during calculation process
Features of QForm Extrusion Software:
- Simulation of solid, semi-solid and hollow profiles of any complexity
- Coupled mechanical and thermal task
- Taking into account influence of die deflection on material flow and vice versa
- Profile front end shape prediction
- Temperature, stress, strain, velocity distribution in any cross cut section of the workpiece and tool
- Die life prediction
- Determination of profile distortion after cooling
- Prediction of extrusion load
- Bearing height optimization
- Longitudinal seams weld prediction
- Transversal seams weld prediction (billet to billet seam weld)
- New material share percentage in profile versus the distance from stop-mark
- Accurate calculation of entire billet heat gradient
- Fully automatic mesh generation and highly adaptive mesh in material flow domain and tool simulation domain
- User defined subroutines calculation
- Tracing of the points
- Report generation