Simcenter Virtual Lab Noise and Vibration
From component forced response to system-level noise and vibration analysis and prediction
Simcenter Virtual Lab Noise and Vibration offers a unique hybrid noise and vibration analysis approach that intelligently combines finite element (FE) modeling with test-derived models. In addition to the link to testing, Noise and Vibration uses simulated data from multibody and flexible body simulations created in our multibody modeling software. In this way, you define realistic load cases according to actual model dimensions to determine the optimal time-domain performance. Noise and Vibration analysis also generates data for more in-depth acoustic analysis using acoustic simulation.
Noise and Vibration provides all the tools to create system-level noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) models based on subsystems and components. Throughout the development, you can insert modifications to individual FE or test derived components and assembly connections to improve the system-level NVH performance. With its unique capability to incorporate both test-based and FE-based models in an assembly, the Noise and Vibration hybrid solution offers the accuracy and design flexibility you need to produce reliable simulation results.
NVH Response Analysis
Simcenter Virtual Lab NVH Response Analysis is an easy-to-use, entry-level simulation tool for predicting the noise and vibration behavior of a component, subsystem or complete model under operational loading conditions.
System-level NVH
Simcenter Virtual Lab System-level NVH offers tools to assemble components into hybrid system-level models and analyze noise and vibration performance under operating conditions. You can build a model from one or more components, including FE, test-based or CAD components. The NVH solution computes noise and vibration responses using the internal modal or frequency response function (FRF) based forced response solvers.
Transfer Path Analysis
Simcenter Virtual Lab Transfer Path Analysis allows you to predict and assess system noise and vibration response under operational loading as well as determine acting loads from physical prototype testing data. You can perform path or modal contribution analysis to determine root causes of noise issues and optimize noise and vibration behavior.
Noise and Vibration Options
Simcenter Virtual Lab Noise and Vibration analysis options include load identification analysis, random NVH analysis, modification prediction, panel modal modification, FEM vibro-acoustic structural solver as well as single and multi-attribute optimization.