Siemens NX Mold Designer
With Siemens NX Mold Design Software rapidly develop high-quality molds using advanced automation while maintaining associativity to part designs.
Why Choose NX Mold Wizard for Mold Design Automation?
The NX Mold Wizard for mold design automation offers unparalleled capabilities to excel at the most challenging mold designs. It integrates seamlessly with NX CAM capabilities, allowing for the automatic creation of manufacturing processes for mold and die machining.
This integration ensures that you can import 3D part data from various systems, open many native-format CAD files, or select parts designed in NX, making it easier to model and perform design changes to ensure desired design intent and manufacturability.
Core and Cavity Development
The automated functions in NX enable you to streamline the core and cavity design process. You can:
- Utilize automated shut-offs and parting of the core/cavity based on manufacture ability considerations
- Design parting surfaces quickly and associatively
- Split the mold to accommodate complex slider designs
- Automatically check the core/cavity design for interference.
Mold Structure
NX enables you to automate mold design including shrinkage, runners, gates, sliders, lifters and sub-insert designs. Libraries provide you with access to a wide variety of standard parts, component systems and mold bases. You can position mold components within the assembly based on simple selection, while downstream pocketing and clearance management is automated.
The Mold Design process is assisted by powerful visualization and assembly management tools, making it easy for you to navigate a complex tool assembly.
Design Change and Propagation Control
Using associativity with the design model, NX mold design software facilitates fast and efficient design change propagation across the entire process – from tool design through machining.
Teamcenter software provides a single source of data and process knowledge that insures your whole team is working with the right data.
Re-Use of Company Standards
With NX you can shorten tool design and manufacturing cycle times through the re-use of company standards. You can:
- Accelerate and optimize the mold design process by standardizing processes and components
- Automate the generation of parts lists, drawings, project data structures and NC tool paths
- Build your own re-usable parts and register them in custom libraries
- Develop your own re-usable mold base configurations
Design Validation
To eliminate costly physical rework, design validation is a crucial step to ensure that parts, tools, and manufacturing processes have been properly defined.
Using NX, you can analyze the part design for manufacture ability using wall thickness checking functions, draft analysis and undercut region detection and radius evaluation.
You can validate the mold design within the assembly context for proper clearances and reliefs in various positional states, as well as analyze the electrode requirements. You can also improve tool longevity with strength analysis and sharp corner detection.
NX helps you visualize and manage resolution of identified clearance and interference issues within the mold assembly. NX’s embedded motion simulation technology allows you to verify the mold’s full range of motion, including dynamic collision detection.