Die Evaluation Module
Since most tooling designs are done in a CAD environment, D-Eval Module was specially created to support and analyze CAD based tooling and engineering designs.
A CAE solution, D-Eval is tailored to support engineers in the early stages of the product design cycle. It allows engineers to take manufacturability into consideration early in the design process, ahead of the tooling stage.
D-Eval includes the INCSolver, which allows engineers to generate reliable formability results in a reasonable response time.
D-Eval Provides CAE Tools for “What If” Studies:
- Tipping Adjustments
- Binder Generation & Modifications
- Morphing
- Drawbead Layout
- Line Bead & Geometry Bead Conversion
- Addendum Modifications
- Die Design Modifications
- CAM Trim Evaluation
- Trim Line Checks
INC Solver
The D- Eval Module Includes the INC Solver, which is a nonlinear transient dynamic finite element program. It was developed solely for the purpose of simulating sheet metal forming processes.
Using Shared Memory Processing (SMP), users can take advantage of the multiple – CPUs, Multiple-Cores and Multiple-Threads of the latest Windows computing platform. This allows for quick and reliable results. For most cases with a 4-core CPU, results can be generated in just minutes.
The INC Solver works well with non-connected mesh generated from non-conforming CAD surfaces. This solution is most suitable for CAD engineers and directly interfaces with all major CAD systems. In addition, the INC Solver’s features and functions are excellent for early stage tooling evaluation and are very simple to learn and use.
Streamlined interface for common die face engineering applications including:
- Gravity Load & Binder Wrap Simulation
- Crush Forming Simulation
- Single Action Simulation
- Double Action Simulation
- Tailor-welded Blank
- Trimming & Lancing Function