Minimally Load – Lightweight Display to be the default load option in the upcoming release of NX
The next major release of NX is planned for December 2019. One of the major changes in this release is that we are making Minimally Load – Lightweight Display the default load option. This load option provides the best possible assembly load performance in NX and we want all our users to be able to take advantage of this performance.
As stated in the name, this load option takes advantage of “Lightweight Display”. Since some of you may have never used any of the load options that leverage lightweight display, we thought it would be good to explain its benefits and what you can expect.
The primary advantage of lightweight display is improved display performance for sheets and bodies. When using a lightweight display, the facet data is displayed instead of the exact/b-rep data and facet data can be displayed much faster.
When using lightweight display you may notice that curved edges of solids may become coarse when you zoom in on geometry in the assembly. This is due to the fact that facets are being displayed for sheets and solids. In the example below, you can see that the hole appears coarse as we zoom in.
The display can be easily refined by selecting the desired components, right-click and choose Show Exact.
Want to find out more about Assemblies is NX? Find our interview here with Product Manager Tim Kelker of Product Engineering Software.