What’s New in NX 10 – View Section enhancements.

View Section enhancements

When you create or edit a section view, you can specify the location and extent of the section box by selecting

one or more objects and control the size of the section box by setting a margin. NX applies the margin to all sides

of the section box. NX automatically updates the display of the section box unless you delay the update.

  • To select one or more objects, use the Select Object option in the Extent group or select the component in the Assembly Navigator.


  • To select an object outside the box, turn off Clip Section on the Top Border bar.


  • To specify a margin, enter a value in the Margin box.

Margin = 0 Margin = 3


The Box Margin customer default controls the default margin value.


To find a customer default, choose File tab→Utilities→Customer Defaults, and click

Find Default .

  • To stop the dynamic update of the section box, select the Delay Box Update check box. If you want to update the section box when the Delay Box Update check box is selected,

click Update Box .

Why should I use it?

In a large assembly, you can quickly define the section areas by creating section boxes around the selected components.

Where do I find it?




NX CAD/CAM/CAE :-              Nx Cad/Cam and Cae software solutions

TECHNOMATIX :-                   Digital Plant Design and Optimization

TEAM CENTRE :-                     Product data management.

BSE FROM DYNAFORM :-     Sheet-metal Solution for Blanking / Nesting etc.

MOLDEX3D :-                           Injection Molding Mold flow analysis like Flow/Cool/Pack/Warp etc.

QFORM METAL FORMING:- Forging Forming and Extrusion Solution.

CAD TRANSLATION:-            CAD to CAD translation

Rashmi Gupta

DDS-Digital Design Solutions

M :- 9810209906

Ph :- 0124-4263056-58,


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